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Better late than never .... Festival of Quilts 2016 Pt 1

Alison Barlow

Long time quiet - sorry. Life getting in the way!

And I'm clearly the tortoise not the hare! Even this is delayed.

I should start by saying I'm not a quilter per se. I have made quilts, but mine are on the basic side and I use a non-traditional method involving sticking my squares on to wide interfacing. Makes it all line up beautifully. Why make things harder than they need to be.

I love the quilts I've made and I actually use them a lot!

So, because I didn't feel like a 'real' quilter I poo poo'ed the Festival of Quilts for a long time.

But having been introduced to it by a friend a couple of years ago I realise there really is something there for everyone. After all it is the biggest quilting fair in Europe.

This year I took a friend - who I recently introduced to quilting for relaxation purposes. I thought she'd find it inspirational as she decides how she wants to take her newfound skills forwards.

And she totally did.

I took LOTS of photos as you can see in the images below.

There are clearly a few new trends in quilting. The most obvious being digital quilts. As you can see I'm more of a contemporary girl - and I loved the digital designs.

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