About me

About me
I'm Alison. I'm on a sewing journey (yes I watch Strictly) and I'm a bit of a fabric addict.
So what else can I say - I'm a "larger ladeee" which I think gives you extra challenges as not all those lovely patterns come in my size and I need to think about what flatters me and what doesn't.
I love colour and a soupcon of glitter.
I've also found that the sewing world is very word of mouth.
We have a lot of independant shops which don't necessarily have the budget to promote themselves.
So I'm doing my bit!
I'm working with a small amazing haberdashery near where I live. I've set them up with a website, Google +, Facebook. I'm also selling their very unique items on Ebay and online at Mokshatrim.
I used to be a community librarian and did a lot of social media/web stuff in my job. I love a bit of gadgetry and technology and I'm enjoying learning more and applying my skills in a new area.
And buying a bit of fabric on the side.
There's lots to learn - so I'd better crack on then.