Not to be confused with the famous fashion magazine - Tatlers in Derby's Sadler Gate Arcade is my absolute favourite shop for buying knit fabric. And I love to buy knit fabric.

My friend Anne from Sewing Soul outside the shop
Thankfully it's near enough that I can go regularly but not too near that I spend every day and every penny in there! And I have great friends who are happy to take me and love Tatlers too.
If you ever go - it's a tiny shop - but please please please don't let that put you off. The staff are very friendly and are quite bemused when my pals and I go in and start touching everything and ooohing and aaahhing.
And now they even have a card machine - so in the spending sense - approach with caution!
What they do which is so clever is that they put together fabric collections.
Think posh boutique where you'd buy an outfit that all melds together. Well this is the fabric and sewing equivalent. A jersey in shades of black and camel ideal for a top, with a camel crepe which would make great trousers and a matching boiled wool for the jacket. It's like sewing by numbers :)
I'll add some photos from todays sojourn.

Above: Notice one otheir other specialities - boiled wool - here in mustard green (foreground) and teal, pale pink and dark red (from top to bottom in second set of shelves). Priced from £21.95 - £27.95

Above: More..... Another boucle boiled wool in kermit green only £16.95 a metre!!

Above: The notables - on top a navy stretch jersey type lace fabric. The textured boucle wool again in pink and just below but not coming out fab in the photo a sort of weaved tweedy navy fabric which would make the most divine Chanel type jacket

Above: Gorgeous gorgeous lining material :)
So when I say I only bought two jersey prints - you will see I acted with extreme restraint! (See photo below). But we did manage to help a friend (who should have been with us) liberate some of the teal boiled wool which is now in my house and is growing on me.....