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FoQ 2015 5: Lots of Quilts

Alison Barlow

Yet again there was a mind boggling array of quilts most of which I imagine must have taken FOREVER to make.

Whilst I can appreciate their beauty I can also realise I would never have the patience!

But they were very inspiring - colourful and I noticed a trend towards sparkles which are totally up my street.

These images don't really scratch the surface of all that was there...

This was one I thought I might adapt to my level.

There were mini quilts - this one was about A4 - so much detail.

Lots of colour texture and wiggleiness

Oh and sequins...

Community quilts - this one has digital images around the edge than quilted versions in the centre

Islamic designs

Maps - love maps

Quilted clothes

Amazing detail


And of course the winners; Best Pictorial Quilt - was sooo sparkly

A bit of detail

And even the back was beautiful

and the Best in Show. Not my taste particularly but very beautiful and very detailed.

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